Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My husband and I aren't seeing eye to eye about our "child raising" skills. I am a little more tolorant of our two year old crying when we don't meet her needs, or give her what she wants. I just ignore it, change her thought process. He gets down right aggervated with it. What can you do?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When I was a little girl...

When I was a little girl and thought about my "grown up life" it was different than my reality now. I would have a big fancy house, nice cars, tons and tons of puppies (because I always asked for one for christmas and never got it) I would have kids, boys or girls.. I didn't care. I really "cute" husband who worships the ground I walk on, and did everything for me.

Ha- What I have is... a small home, but nicer than some. A car that I am proud of. No doggies, three little girls and a husband. Notice how I just said "a husband" yea.

Isn't it funny how when we were younger we imagined life so easily. I never understood why my parents didn't want to play all the time, go swimming everyday, or have a lot of dogs. Whenever I was mad at my mom for saying no to me I remember thinking-- When I have a little girl I will let her do whatever she wants... I DON'T think that anymore!!!
I don't particularly miss being a kid, especially middle and high school, those were really tough for me. But I do miss the immaturity of it all. I didn't worry about the bills, money, houses, kids, etc. I was just worried about me.
Looking back on it now there are a million things that I would have done differently. Then however, I wouldn't be able to teach my daughters through my mistakes.

Kids are sick....running away

I love my babies..but when two or more of them are sick it really weighs on me. Especially the two babies, Ava 2- Raegen 10 months. Neither one of them understand why they are sick, and although I can sympathize with them, it's hard when they are both little.
Raegen is running 104.1 while laying in my arms right now, Ava is watching a movie right beside us.

My husband...... oh, my husband. I love him too... but have NO patience for his behavior. He is such a sucky helper. There aren't too many things that he does on his own, but, when he does he lets everyone know.



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